May 2021 Gazette - Senior Center News
Posted on 05/01/2021 in News.

By Chris Joyce
April showers have hopefully brought an abundance of May flowers for you to enjoy! I also hope most everyone has received both doses of the vaccine and are continuing to stay healthy! The Ottawa County Commissioners along with the County Health Department and Senior Resources continue to monitor the spread of the virus and the new variants, and have decided to keep the senior centers closed until further notice due to the ongoing pandemic. Hopefully, now that Covid-19 vaccines are being administered, we’ll be able to safely reopen the Senior Centers in the near future. Please stay patient and know that the decision as to when to reopen will be based on what is safest for all the senior center participants.
If you haven’t received the Covid vaccine, go to the Ottawa County Health Department website at where you can pick an available date and time to be vaccinated. The Ottawa County Health Department wants the residents of Ottawa County to remain vigilant about continuing to follow all the guidelines regarding COVID 19 protection. While the vaccine is a huge step toward eradicating this pandemic, we need to continue to be watchful, cautious, alert and open eyed to the realities of this virus and the vaccine.
I hope everyone can get outside and continue to enjoy the many blessings of springtime!
The previous piece is published in this month’s Put-in-Bay Gazette. The Gazette has been producing incredible independent Put-in-Bay island news for over 40 years. If you have any interest at all in what is happening on South Bass Island, we urge you strongly to subscribe to the Put-in-Bay Gazette. One-year online subscriptions are only $15, and print subscriptions are available as well. To subscribe please click here.
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