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Golf Cart Issues

Posted on 08/15/2020 in News.

The following piece is published in this month’s Put-in-Bay Gazette. The Gazette has been producing incredible independent Put-in-Bay island news for over 40 years. If you have any interest at all in what is happening on South Bass Island, we urge you strongly to subscribe to the Put-in-Bay Gazette. One-year online subscriptions are only $15, and print subscriptions are available as well. To subscribe please click here.


Golf Cart Issues

This past month, a Village Council committee held a meeting to discuss golf cart issues. Speed, overnight rentals, traffic control, horn use and a common rental contract for all rentals were among the topics discussed.

We’ve all heard how anyone seeing golf carts being driven recklessly, or by children, should get the number off the cart and phone the police. Good luck with that! Hardly anyone can read the number on the side of the cart, nor the company.

Mark Mathys, owner of Delaware Carts said he tracks the carts he rents with GPS. He can find out where any cart is at any given time using his smart phone. He suggested all the cart rental companies use the same system and that the police department have access to the information.

The key would be putting placards on each rental cart with a big bold number that way those who see something, can quickly report the number to the police, perhaps using their phone to text a number directly to the police department. The police could check where the cart is and immediately send out officers to intercept it.

We think this is a great idea. It might cost money up front, but in the long run it would save time and possibly prevent serious accidents. All the cart rental companies on the island would have to cooperate to create a system like this. The technology is at hand, and we should take advantage of it.


This piece of Put-in-Bay journalism has been provided to putinbaycondos.com courtesy of the Put-in-Bay Gazette, Put-in-Bay’s only local newspaper. Visit their website putinbay.news for more information and to subscribe!